

Because I'm sure you haven't had enough of me yet. 
You can also sign up to receive email discussions whenever the weather in the Twin Cities and the Upper-Midwest seems like it could get interesting.  And by interesting I mean "potentially hazardous." Or just interesting.  It depends.  Anyway, I have been doing this for over a decade, and just listen to what some of my most fervent readers have said:
I'm a busy guy, so I always look forward to getting your weather emails and then reading them on my phone while I'm driving home. -Doug H., Maple Grove, MN

You, Kenny Blumenfeld, are a true lifesaver! Our mother has been very sick and needs sleep more than anything else. All we have to do is read her your emails and out she goes! Don't know how you do it, but THANK YOU. -The Kleiners, County Roads U and EE, Wisconsin

Kenny, I have always loved the weather too, and think it would be just swell if I could meet Paul Huttner from MPR some time and pick his brain. Do you happen to have any contact info for him? -Marla Swensen, Marine on St. Croix, MN

I like the way you have them all thinking you understand me. You do not. -The Weather
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